I have bought 3 of these in a span of 2 weeks, I have one at home, one at work, and I got one for a family member who suffers from SAD too. My depression during the dark winter months can be debilitating (I live in the mid-Atlantic US), but within 2 days of starting to use this light, I felt better than I have in years during winter. Im going to order a 4th one for another family member. It is so easy to bring with you for work, travel, whatever, I only bought a second for work so I wouldnt forget it at home in the morning. Its the size of an ipad, you just plug it in, hit the one button on the side, and its on and you can imagine youre laying out in the summer sun (even though this does not produce UV light). Amazing!! I wish I had known about this product years ago. 6/5 stars.